Ibn AL-nafis Print


ID: 142


Price: 10.5 $

Description: Anisum

Pharmaceutical Form: Single Herbs


Anisum: (Pimpinella anisum):

Anisum (Pimpinella anisum) General properties:
Regular use of the anisum: help, prevent, and palliate in the following cases:
- Common cold.
- Cough/ bronchitis.
- Fever and colds.
- Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx.
- Dyspeptic complaints.
- Loss of appetite.
Also anisum consider:
- Expectorant, mildly spasmolytic, and antibacterial effect.
- For catarrhs of respiratory tracts.

The information's founded on: PDR

In order to SHIFT your pH Toward Alkaline... you have to use Pimpinella anisum.
Aisum participate in elevating the ph level (the new preparation of tamiflu contain some substances from the star anise- after many processing stapes.
Elevating the alkalinity stress on many diseases: microbial, viral, fungal and enhance the general state of the body.
Also anise consider: hypnotic, spasmolytic, and carminative.