Ibn AL-nafis Print


ID: 207


Price: 42 $

Description: For psoriasis, vitiligo, and lichen

Pharmaceutical Form: Botanical Creams


- propolis extract.
- Calendula officinalis extract.
- Avena sativa extract.
- Cinchorium intybus extract.
- Glycyrrhiza glabra extract.
- Natural honey.
- Natural beeswax.
- Vitamin E.

Indications and mechanism of action:

Calendula officinalis content in this formula show an effective remedy to the psoriasis with claming effect (abstract carried out in Germany).
This formula palliate bad symptoms of psoriasis, vitiligo, and lichen.
At the same time and through some enzymes fight the cancerous substance dioxin which:
- interact with the immune system and affect the T cells and provoke antigen reactions which lead to produce dermatological disorders
- and through binding to the hydrocarbon receptors and provoking genetic alteration manifesting as incurable skin diseases.
This product enhance the psoriasis, vitiligo, and lichen to a far instant by regular usage.

Usage and administration:

Usage and administration:
Disinfect the affected area and apply the cream.
Don’t extend the cream to the intact area.
Use it twice daily.

Important advice:
You need to work in harmony with your body's natural defenses by giving it natural "ammo" to fight this immune system disease!"


This fomula and (Herbs in general) contain some compounds with
low-molecular weight and highly lipophilic compounds easily diffuse across cell membranes to induce biological reactions which shall lead to the homeostasis.
THIS fomula contain some herbs classified among plants “generally recognized as safe (GRAS)” by the FDA. And consider as safe herbs by PDR.
These herbs had been used in the alimentary regimen for many populations all over the world hundreds or thousands years ago and still the must important source of remedy and other hitherto used.