Ibn AL-nafis Print


ID: 65


Price: 14 $

Description: Gentle Mood Enhancers & Tranquilizer

Pharmaceutical Form: Herbal MEDICAL Mixtures




- Matricaria recutita.
- Melissa officinalis.
- Ocimum bacilicum.
- Pimpenella anisum/ fruit.
- Thymus vulgaris/ leaf.


Pediatric tranquilizer and hypnotic, enhance the mood, and help in controlling the digestive disturbances.

Science behind this formula
1. Matricaria recutita:
Flavonoids are CNS-active molecules and the chemical modification of the flavone nucleus dramatically increases the anxiolytic potency (Paladini, 1999). Apigenin is a ligand for the central benzodiazepine receptors exerting anxiolytic and slight sedative effects (Viola, 1995).
2. Melissa officinalis:
The herb is antioxidant used for nervous agitation and sleeping problems, approved by Commission e/ Germany for nervousness and insomnia.
3. Ocimum bacilicum:
Used as supportive therapy for flatulence.
For stomach cramps in Chinese medicine. PDR
Ocimum bacilicum oil has antimicrobial effect in vitro.
4. Pimpenella anisum/ fruit:
For dyspeptic complaints, mildly spasmolytic and antibacterial.
5. Thymus vulgaris/ leaf:
Antibacterial antifungal antiviral and antioxidant.
Information's based on PDR


Dosage and Administration: middle spoon , or tea bag from the mixture to a glass of boiled water /capacity of 200 ml. ( boiled previously) then cover it for ten minutes, filter it and have it warm half an hour before the meal.
For infants under one year one glass given in several separated dose.
Over two years one glass given in two separated dose.
You can sweet the dose by adding the honey.

Useful combination :

If the treated case was associated with:
Insomnia----------------------------------- use the mixture no. 49.
Anorexia ---------------------------------- use the mixture no. 28, and ibnalnafis royal honey 212.