Ibn AL-nafis Print


ID: 19


Price: 28 $

Description: Systemic Erectile Disfunction

Pharmaceutical Form: Herbal MEDICAL Mixtures




- Capsicum species.
- Panax ginseng.
- Zingiber officinalis.
- Cinnamomum aromaticum.


Improve the erection function in impotency cases. And in general enhance the sexual performance through physiological support without any provocative mechanisms.

1. Panax ginseng:
- Approved by commission e/ Germany for lack of stamina.
Ginseng is used internally as a tonic and fortification in times of fatigue and debility, for declining performance, capacity for work, and during convalescence.
- The saponin fraction of panax ginseng enhanced sperm motility, development, and growth, further study to evaluate the clinical significance of these results was suggested by the investigators. (chen et al, 1998).
2. Zingiber officinalis:
Cardiac tonic effect.
3. Cinnamomum aromaticum:
- Improve immune resistance and promote motility.
- Approved by commission e/ Germany for: loose of appetite.
- Cinnamomum a. used in chines medicine for exhaustion.
4. Capsicum species:
Refresh the blood circulation.
Information's based on PDR


middle spoon , or tea bag from the mixture to a glass of boiled water /capacity of 200 ml. ( boiled previously) then cover it for ten minutes, filter it and have it warm half an hour before the meal.
- For therapy: 2-3 time pre day.
- or before sexual intercourse.
- and in patients with heart diseases its necessary to consult your medicine before using This mixture.

Note: in un responding cases you have to consult your doctor in order to negate any psychological problem or other organic disturbances.